this is my dull life. this is my dull life on drugs. this is a haiku.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Conversations with myself

So Ashley says I talk to myself.

Apparently all the time, while I'm alone in parts of the house. My defense is that I'm not actually talking to myself, but only talking in the hopes that someone will listen to me. So it's more an issue of me just being sad & lonely, as opposed to outright weird & crazy -- which is kind of comforting... maybe?

She told me this when I came up from my room earlier today. I guess I'd been cursing downstairs as I was looking for something. I hadn't really thought about it before, but the accusation got me thinking... I suppose that I do speak quite a bit when no one else is around... One of those habits that I don't notice until someone else points it out to me -- Like how I recently found out that I double-up words all the time, such as "cool cool" and "ok ok" and "yeah yeah".

So as I was thinking about all this in the kitchen, I got it in my head that I was going to turn this habit around. I was going to stop it before it got out of hand.

"I, Patrick Cahill Connolly, will hereby never talk to myself AGAIN!" I announced triumphantly.

And then I had to call Ashley back in, because she'd left the room while I'd been mulling it over.

Given that my mom is also prone to talking to herself, I have a feeling that this might be genetic. She also has a habit of making up words that she thinks fit what she wants to say, but I don't think I've inherited that little quirby. But it does seem that my talking-to-myself issue is a little worse than hers is.

Hopefully my problem doesn't get worse with age, but just in case it does, I've got a solution: Surround myself with dogs. It's not seen as quite so odd when people talk to their animals. With this strategy, instead of turning into a crazy old man who talks to himself incessantly, I would simply turn into an elderly fellow who really loves his animals.

So they wouldn't be so much pets, but objects at which to channel my pent-up senility.

Come to think of it, with this solution comes yet more problems, since I would now be an old man who lives in a house full of dogs...

Drats. Is there no way to win?? Am I doomed to be CRAZY?!?

"Yes. Yes you are."