this is my dull life. this is my dull life on drugs. this is a haiku.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Must... write... lab...

I'd like to start this post off with a joke. Many of you have probably heard it already, but I like it, so fuck you. Be sure to search for the satirical undertones on the current socio-economic situation in Iraq. Here it is:

Q: What's the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?
A: One walked on the moon...
And the other likes to fuck little boys.

Haha! Get it?? It's funny because he does. I apologize for misleading you, but there was neither satire nor undertones in that joke... only simple crudeness and unnecessary profanity. Michael Jackson jokes are awesome...

So yeah, I had a lab due today at 4 pm which I still haven't finished. I'm really getting on a lazy kick this term. Dah well, what can ya do? Funny thing is, my Dad called tonight and apparently I'm invited to apply for the Millenium Scholarship thing, which is wicked. Hoorah for my first scholarship after 1st year, assuming I have a chance of getting it that is.

Well, this weekend we have Guys' Night going on. The girls have a Girls' Night and meet up with us after. Last year was RIDICULOUS!!! We rented out this small bar, ordered pizza, played darts and shit for awhile, then the stripper came. When I say/write the word "stripper", some little part of me in the back of my head wants to yell "Woop, woop!", but then my conscious mind had to beat it back with some rational thought. You see, last year's stripper was not what you would call "attractive", nor was she "talented"... Actually, it would be a stretch to call her "bearable". We hired her for half the price of the next-lowest priced, and we had her for twice the time. That should tell you something. Later, after Tyler was working on a ship at sea over the summer, we found out that she's a prostitute who sleeps with the foreign sailors when they dock in St. John's. Back to the topic though: She was heinous. I think she may have had more C-sections than teeth, though I'm not quite sure.

After she did her thing, was ran out into the street (as a group of guys high on testosterone would) and proceeded to break things. Wayne, last year's prez, flipped out and ran into a phonebooth, smashing the glass. He then charged a snow-plow coming down the street. Yes, I said "charged". He tried to jump the side of the blade but just up flipping over it and landing on the ground beside it as it drove by. Some guys also ran into a bank ATM-room and wrecked it... while some elderly man was depositing money. They said he semmed stunned. And the receiver got ripped off another phone, etc, etc, blah, blah. Summed up: ridiculous. That's all I could call it. Of course, I wasn't involved in any of this.

While I'm semi on the subject of Wayne, I guess a few weeks ago, he and some buddies were downtown and trashed out of their trees. For some reason, Wayne picked this random guy to torment and started out by literally picking him up and throwing him at a hotdog vendor, knocking the hot dog cart over. The hot dog guy picked up his cart while the dude ran off. Later, that dude and some friends tried to hit Wayne between the legs with a guitar, and Wayne took on all 4 and pushed them around and scared the shit out of them! There was a bit more, but I forget it. Maybe it's just cause he never acted that way to people in the house, but I just can't picture him doing any of that stuff... He's... I don't know... just Wayne! Oh well, I guess it's different when he doesn't know you and he's immensely drunk maybe, cause he's never normally like that...

This is Wayne last year after doing over 100 reps straight with a 50 lb barbell (maybe more?) with his LEFT arm when drunk. Look at him. He's such a happy guy!