this is my dull life. this is my dull life on drugs. this is a haiku.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Excuses, excuses...

This is really weird... I'm not sure why I haven't been writing much on this thing lately...

You see, usually I'm just chock full of cracked out ideas and musings, many of which any self-respecting monkey on methamphetamines would hastily repress. But lately, I just can't think of anything. That might be putting it the wrong way, cause it's not like I usually have to brainstorming session before plugging my thought into the good ol' computator -- I just think of things throughout the day which I have the urge to write about. In fact, I used to actually carry a notepad around sometimes, just so that I could jot down subjects (on a whim) which I felt needed my attention in blog format.

But as of late, I just haven't been having as many of those light-bulb moments. Kinda odd... wonder what the cause of this is...
Could it be the utter lack of sleep? Possibly. I'm lucky to get up to 6 hours nowadays, and more often than not, it's less...
Could it be that I'm maturing in a respectable member of society -- one who can concern himself only with serious and important matters such as his future and... the gross domestic product of Uzbekistan ($47.59 billion)? Highly unlikely. In case you're new to this scene, I licked a gas station this weekend.

So here I stand. Not sure why, but this slow pace may keep up for a little bit longer, to my chagrin. I'll write when it's in me, but I can't say how often that'll be. So if by chance you enjoy reading this shit, I'll just say this;

"I'm sorry. You'll just have to wait for my brain to starts working again..."

Or stops working, depending on how you look at it.

AND PS - In case anyone cares, I always try to respond to comments (so as not to be an ungrateful host), but I've fallen a bit behind lately. I will get back to them though!